Artfully Modeling Hyperbolic Planes through Tessellations
Thomas Jackson and Erin Williams

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 619–626
Workshop Papers


In this workshop, we will take three different examples of hyperbolic artworks, which are modeled using the two- dimensional Poincaré disk, and lift them off the page into our three-dimensional world. The tessellated artwork will be deconstructed, slightly modified, and then reassembled. With the addition of each new piece, the three- dimensional art will slowly obtain the negative curvature seen in hyperbolic geometry making it twist and curl. We will be using Dániel Erdély’s Hyperbolic Spidrons 55, and Doug Dunham’s Fish (5,4) and Butterflies (8,3) as the artwork throughout this workshop.
