Beyond the Dragon: A Novel Class of Fractal Curves
Sarah Bricault

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 527–530
Short Papers


The Dragon Curve is a fractal that can be created by iteratively folding a single line according to a set algorithm. Every line segment is replaced in the subsequent iteration by two line segments that intersect at right angles with the end points unchanged. The following novel implementation results in a class of fractals referred to here as Folding Curves. One can fold the initial line according to a repeating pattern of fold commands, called here the fold command list. When one reaches the end of the fold command list, one returns to the beginning. For example, a fold command list of [0 1 1 0] produces an interesting semi-self-similar fractal. Additional complexity and beauty can be added by starting with a shape that is not a single line or implementing the fractals in a physical medium.
