Perspective Driven Barrier Grid Animation
Stefano Arrighi

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 447–450
Short Papers


In this paper we explore the concept of Barrier Grid Animation (BGA) on an architectural scale, emphasizing the dynamic effect produced by the observer's position in relation to the system. The standard method for creating BGA involves superimposing two layers, producing the effect by sliding the strips layer from its original position. I aim to examine BGA from a spatial perspective, with the effect activated by the observer's movement.

As a case study, this method was used for a site specific artwork at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence where the pattern appears to change with the shifting perspectives of the visitors. By doing so, I aim to demonstrate the potential for creating dynamic and interactive BGA patterns in art and architectural design, providing a basic and flexible setup that can be used for different scenarios and at different scales.
