The Gift Of Entropy
Kazmier Maslanka

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 419–422
Short Papers


This paper addresses the concepts and ideas that inspired the mathematical visual poem, “The Gift Of Entropy”. It also encourages the reader to study the mechanics of language found in cognitive linguistics for doing so adds a richer depth to experiencing mathematical visual poetry. I feel the best works of artistic expression always evoke questions, often more provocative ones than anticipated. By doing so the artwork seems to take on a life of its own. This paper recognizes the tumultuous history of mixing mythology and science and is interested in the aesthetics of that conflation. To have a deeper understanding of the mechanics of this poem, one should be familiar with the concept of ‘Similar Triangles Poems’ and understand the mechanics of how conceptual metaphors are mapped in this structure.
