Mathematical Texts as Illuminated Manuscripts: Augmenting Hand Lettering with Calligraphic Fonts in LaTeX
Jennifer Padilla

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 415–418
Short Papers


I outline a process for creating illuminated manuscripts from mathematical texts by combining hand-calligraphed, illuminated pages with printed pages typeset in LaTeX using fonts created from one’s own calligraphy or writing. The vision is that a solo calligrapher can produce a complete book fairly quickly, making entire exhibits containing several books attainable within a reasonable time frame. There is an abundance of mathematical writing already typeset in LaTeX. The tools exist to easily generate fonts from one’s own script, then to utilize these fonts within a LaTeX document in a fairly straightforward manner. Here I present a brief overview of my process creating pages for a small book from my own logic notes. I took inspiration for the manuscript style from a medieval book of hours.
