Menger-Slice Inspired Fractals based on the Pentagon, Dodecahedron, and 120-Cell
Rob Hocking

Proceedings of Bridges 2024: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 297–304
Regular Papers


When the 3D Menger sponge is sliced with a suitably chosen diagonal plane, a novel 2D fractal consisting of a hexagon with fractal hexagram stars emerges. In this work I attempt to create an analogous fractal using pentagons and pentagrams. Unlike in the case of Menger-slice, the mathematics is less perfect with no clear best answer. I propose three solutions, each with their own pros and cons, but acknowledge the possibility of other, better solutions that I have not thought of. I then generalize these ideas to the dodecahedron in 3D as well as the 120-cell in 4D and 3D print the fractals that result.
