Wild Songs: Finding the Voice of the Land Through Imaginative, Mathematical Compositions
Jennifer Whiffin

Proceedings of Bridges 2022: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 489–492
Workshop Papers


In this hands-on workshop, participants will work collectively to compose songs using sounds from the land and water, including real and imagined creatures that may reside there. Participants will create a collection of vocalizations that can be represented visually and classified by sound length. Sounds will be compared and arranged proportionately to produce bars of music patterns that groups of participants will combine and then perform. This is a classroom-tested activity that helps 9- and 10-year-old children deepen their understanding of fractions. It makes music composition accessible to learners regardless of their experience. Finally, it allows children and adults alike to connect with wild places and fantastical creatures of cultural folklore through deep listening, imagination, and musical performance.
