An Orthogonal Mate for a Latin Square Based on an Asymmetric Tile
Stephen M. Gagola Jr.

Proceedings of Bridges 2023: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 501–504
Short Papers


The artist Peter Raedschelders has created what he calls a Magic square based on using 64 congruent copies of an asymmetric tile fitting together snugly in the style of M. C. Escher to form an 8 by 8 Latin square. The “elements” of this square are the 8 distinct aspects, or orientations, of the original tile. He then asks whether the tiles can be colored with 8 distinct colors so that the resulting configuration also forms a Latin square based on colors, and in which the two Latin squares taken together are orthogonal. This indeed is possible by making use of some “hidden symmetries” of the original square.
