3D Dice Mosaics: A Multidirectional Dithering System
Hanan Tanasra, Gershon Elber, and Yoav Sterman

Proceedings of Bridges 2023: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 45–52
Regular Papers


Dithering of images is a widely used technique for reducing the number of colors in an image to a small subset while maintaining as much information as possible. Dithering is typically applied on a single image although a few results could also be found on the simultaneous dithering of several images. In this paper, we describe a method for the simultaneous dithering of two or three gray-scale images, using the different faces of the die. This work presents (1) a dithering method which calculates the orientation for placing each die, (2) a method for generating a parametric 3D model of a jig to position the cubes, and (3) a positioning plan for the assembly process. As part of our results, we present two assembled dice mosaics, each with 4,096 dice, one that simultaneously dithers two images and the other simultaneously dithers three images.
