Two-Disk Compound Symmetry Groups
Robert A. Hearn, William Kretschmer, Tomas Rokicki, Benjamin Streeter, and Eric Vergo

Proceedings of Bridges 2023: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 29–36
Regular Papers


Symmetry is at the heart of much of mathematics, physics, and art. Traditional geometric symmetry groups are defined in terms of isometries of the ambient space of a shape or pattern. If we slightly generalize this notion to allow the isometries to operate on overlapping but non-identical metric spaces, we obtain what we call compound symmetry groups. A natural example is that of the groups generated by discrete rotations of overlapping disks in the plane. Investigation of these groups reveals a new family of fractals, as well as a rich structure that is intriguing both mathematically and artistically. We report on our initial investigations.
