Exploring the Wurzelschnecke: Learning Geometry, Number and Design with the Spiral of Theodorus
Susan Gerofsky, S. Brackett Robertson, and Veselin Jungic

Proceedings of Bridges 2021: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 383–390
Workshop Papers


In this hands-on virtual workshop, the authors explore some of the educational and design affordances of the (Quadrat) Wurzelschnecke or “square root spiral”, also known as the (discrete) Spiral of Theodorus, considering possibilities at different scales and in different media. The workshop will give participants the chance to learn about the geometry and number theory embodied in the Wurzelschnecke by making and re-forming it in a variety of ways. The authors will show artistic and educational experiments they have undertaken with Wurzelschnecke furniture, millinery, fashion design, jewelry and cuisine, and invite participants to help design interactive large-scale museum displays, playground sculptures and movement-oriented activities. Authors will introduce open questions about an analysis of the beautiful ‘reverse Wurzelschnecke’ spiral and about the optimization of laying out a double Wurzelschnecke on a rectangle of material, and offer an original visual proof of the irrationality of the roots of non-square numbers using an experimental mathematics approach.
