BenDit – A Polyhedral Sculpture from Bent Wood
Daniel Lordick

Proceedings of Bridges 2021: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
Pages 323–326
Short Papers


BenDit is a sculpture from bent wood, created at the TU Dresden as a demonstrator within the European Interreg project Adhesive Free Timber Buildings. It has a diameter of about 3 meters and is hanging in the atrium of the Biology building on the TU Dresden campus, where it was solemnly inaugurated in June 2020. BenDit is a model of the deltoidal icositetrahedron. Twenty-four identical kite-shaped wooden frames are connected along the edges. The scientific director of the project was Peer Haller from the Institute of Steel and Timber Construction. The design was provided by Daniel Lordick from the Institute of Geometry. This report reflects on the assumptions, research goals, and constraints that led to the final design and which were also driven by the architectural environment and the context of other art objects in the Biology building.
