A Synthesis of Sectors
Annette Mauer, Melissa Silk, and Lisa Giles

Proceedings of Bridges 2019: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 605–610
Workshop Papers


This workshop presents a form of modular origami in which paper circles are folded, assembled and glued together to form a chain. By using circles of gradually varying diameter, one can form an ammonite-like spiral or an attractive wearable garland. Creating and manipulating the aesthetic forms in the workshop provides participants with opportunities for investigation and discussion of numerous mathematical and STEM concepts, simultaneously reinforcing the value of art and design in trans-disciplinary knowledge building (STEAM). Folding is a great source for numerous nontrivial connections to be made between mathematics, engineering, art and design. The act of folding offers moments of contemplation and meditation through the challenge and joy of making.
