Maths Craft in Class
Jeanette C. McLeod, Phillip L. Wilson, David Pomeroy, and Erik Brogt

Proceedings of Bridges 2019: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 469–472
Short Papers


Maths Craft New Zealand is a non-profit initiative founded in 2016 and run by mathematicians Dr Jeanette McLeod and Dr Phil Wilson from the University of Canterbury. Together with the rest of the Maths Craft Team, we bring maths to the masses by celebrating the links between mathematics and craft. We have run numerous festivals and workshops across New Zealand, reaching over 10,000 people, and are the largest mathematics outreach programme in the country. In October 2018, we ran our first ever professional development Maths Craft workshop for primary and secondary school maths teachers. We taught them the mathematics behind a selection of crafts, facilitated their creation of lesson plans, and supported them as they introduced Maths Craft into their own maths classes.
