Divisible Skylines: Exploring Least Common Multiples and Divisibility through Visual Art
Saara Lehto, Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen, and Tommi Sottinen

Proceedings of Bridges 2019: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 335–338
Short Papers


We present an alternative way to consider number theoretic concepts through visual art. Our visualization method, Divisible Skylines, is an artistically motivated study of least common multiples. It demonstrates how beauty and mathematical understanding can join hands in the study of divisibility. We present original artwork based on our method, examine mathematical properties of Divisible Skylines through the artwork, and point out several artistically interesting visual aspects. Our method opens possibilities for developing playful and creative ways to teach divisibility and number theory. Divisible Skylines offer interest for artists, educators and students alike.
