Designing Beaded Sculptures Inspired by Clathrate Hydrates
Yuan-Jia Fan, Bih-Yaw Jin, and Chia-Chin Tsoo

Proceedings of Bridges 2018: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture
Pages 555–558
Short Papers


Application of the mathematical beading to the construction of sculptures of several water cluster architectures based on clathrate hydrates and related Kelvin’s and Weaire-Phelan’s foam is presented. These nanostructures can be viewed as three-level hierarchical frameworks which are composed of primary tetrahedral hydrogen-bonded water pentamers, secondary cage-like units and final three-dimensional architectures. In this paper, we discuss the structure and general construction procedures for a few clathrate hydrates and also give some examples of bead models for structurally related Kelvin’s and Weaire-Phelan’s foams.
