The Linear Visualizations of Mathematical Anomalies In Sculptural Space: An Artist Presentation
Don R. Schol

Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
Pages 275–278


Perhaps the simplest and yet greatest challenge for the sculptor is the translation and creation of an essentially two-dimensional visual concept into a three-dimensional physical reality. Surely, most have the mental capacity to mentally visualize a fictitious three-dimensional object in the mind's eye. However, if we were asked to illustrate that fictitious object onto a two-dimensional surface, we could only produce one viewpoint at a time. After producing several drawings from a variety of viewpoints, we could give another observer, as well as ourselves, some idea of what we initially conceptualized to occupy three-dimensional space. Today, of course, there are computer software packages- that are designed to help us to create multisided views of a proposed object in succession from the initial drawing of a single viewpoint to the extent that the object can appear to exist in the three-dimensional space of virtual reality.
